"The Unbundling of Advertising Agency Services: An Economic Analysis."

Arzaghi, Mohammad, Ernst R. Berndt, James C. Davis and Alvin J. Silk. Review of Marketing Science Vol. 10, No. 1 (2012): 1-7.

"The Segmentation of Therapeutic Populations in Oncology."

Trusheim, Mark R. and Ernst R. Berndt. Health Management, Policy and Innovation Vol. 1, No. 1 (2012): 19-34.

"Pricing and Reimbursement in U.S. Pharmaceutical Markets."

Berndt, Ernst R. and Joseph P. Newhouse. In The Oxford Handbook on the Economics of the Biopharmaceutical Industry, edited by Patricia M. Danzon and Sean N. Nicholson, 201-265. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012.

"Advance Market Commitment for Pneumococcal Vaccines: Moving from Theory to Practice."

Tania Cernuschi, Eliane Furrer, Nina Schwalbe, Andrew Jones, Ernst R. Berndt and Susan McAdams.

"A Primer on the Economics of Prescription Pharmaceutical Pricing in Health Insurance Markets."

Berndt, Ernst R., Thomas G. McGuire and Joseph P. Newhouse. Forum for Health Economics & Policy Vol. 14, No. 2 (2011): 1-2.

"Quantifying Factors for the Success of Stratified Medicine."

Trusheim, Mark R., Breon Burgess, Sean Xinghua Hu, Theresa Long, Steven D. Averbuch, Aiden A. Flynn, Alfons Lieftucht, Abhijit Mazumder, Judy Milloy, Peter Shaw, David Swank, Jian Wang, Ernst R. Berndt, Federico Goodsaid and Michael C. Palmer. Nature Reviews: Drug Discovery Vol. 10, (2011): 817-833.

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