"Holding Companies: Size-Related Cost Economies."

Silk, Alvin J. and Ernst R. Berndt. Admap No. 464 (2005): 51-53.

"Panel Data Analysis of U.S. Coal Productivity."

Stoker, Thomas, Ernst R. Berndt, A. Denny Ellerman and Susanne M. Schennach. Journal of Econometrics Vol. 127, No. 2 (2005): 131-164.

"Industry Funding of the FDA: Effects of PDUFA on Approval Times and Withdrawal Rates."

Berndt, Ernst R., Adrian H. B. Gottschalk, Tomas J. Philipson and Matthew W. Strobeck. Nature Reviews: Drug Discovery Vol. 4, No. 7 (2005): 545-554.

"Reductions in Anaemia and Fatigue are Associated with Improvements in Productivity in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy."

Berndt, Ernst R., Joel Kallich, Anne McDermott, Xiao Xu, Howard Lee and John Glaspy. Pharmacoeconomics Vol. 23, No. 5 (2005): 505-514.

"Vaccine Advance-Purchase Agreements for Low-Income Countries: Practical Issues."

Berndt, Ernst R. and John A. Hurvitz. Health Affairs Vol. 24, No. 3 (2005): 653-665.

"The Economic Burden of Anemia in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy."

Lyman, Gary H. Ernst R. Berndt, Joel D. Kallich, M. Haim Erder, William H. Crown, Stacey R. Long, Howard Lee, Xue Song and Stan N. Finkelstein. Value In Health Vol. 8, No. 2 (2005): 149-156.

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