"Unemployment, Job Retention and Productivity Loss Among Employees with Depression."

Lerner, Debra, David A. Adler, Hong Chang, Leueen Lapitsky, Maggie Y. Hood, Carla Perrisinotto, John Reed, Thomas J. McLaughlin, Ernst R. Berndt and William H. Rogers. Psychiatric Services Vol. 55, (2004): 1371- 1378.

"Changes In The Costs of Treating Mental Health Disorders: An Overview Of Recent Research Findings."

Berndt, Ernst. PharmacoEconomics Vol. 22, No. S2 (2004): 37-50.

"Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising on Medication Choice: The Case of Antidepressants."

Donohue, Julie M. and Ernst R. Berndt. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Vol. 23, No. 2 (2004): 115-127.

"Benefit Plan Design, and Prescription Drug Utilization Among Asthmatics: Do Patient Copayments Matter?"

Crown, William H., Ernst R. Berndt, Onur Baser, Stan N. Finkelstein, Whitney P. Witt, Jonathan Maguire and Kenan E. Haver. In Frontiers in Health Policy, edited by Alan M. Garber and David M. Cutler, 95- 127. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press for the NBER, 2004.

"Quality-Constant Prices for the Ongoing Treatment of Schizophrenia: An Exploratory Study."

Frank, Richard G., Ernst R. Berndt, Alisa Busch, and Anthony F. Lehman. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance Vol. 44, No. 3 (2004): 390-409.

"Holding Company Cost Economies in the Global Advertising and Marketing Services Business."

Silk, Alvin J. and Ernst R. Berndt. Review of Marketing Science Vol. 2, No. 1 (2004): 1-2.

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