Summer forecast for COVID-19: Some relief, but not enough
Research finds temperatures above 77 degrees Fahrenheit impede transmission of COVID-19, but not enough to quell the epidemic without other measures.
Research finds temperatures above 77 degrees Fahrenheit impede transmission of COVID-19, but not enough to quell the epidemic without other measures.
Banks before gyms, colleges before cafes. A new study offers insight into how to slowly reopen businesses.
The latest working papers from MIT Sloan faculty about the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.
Research finds people with access to high-speed internet can better self-isolate, particularly reinforcing the wealthy’s ability to social distance.
Occupational licensing raises costs, new research finds, but consumers hiring a painter or contractor care more about price and online reviews.
When the time comes, restarting the economy needs to be as quick and safe as possible. Safe workers, “immunity certificates,” and digital tracking could help.
New research suggests that taking a 30-minute nap during work can increase productivity and prompt more deposits into your savings account.
People are less likely to share falsehoods about the new coronavirus and COVID-19 when prompted to consider accuracy.
Improved handwashing habits at airports — even just a few — would curb the global spread of disease, new research finds.
Three economists study the pros and cons of worker representation on executive boards.