Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

How to draft a letter to a workplace harasser


A well-structured letter starts with facts, incorporates feelings, and concludes with a solution, according to MIT Sloan negotiation expert Mary Rowe.

Mar 8, 2023
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Press Education

Legacy preferences are materially beneficial, but counterproductive


Why do colleges still prefer legacy applicants based on a theoretical framework of the three types of logics found in decision-making strategies: meritocratic, diversity, and material logic?

Mar 1, 2023
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Ideas Made to Matter Sustainability

ESG ratings: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water


ESG ratings may be flawed, but they remain the most effective way to measure the ethical behavior of companies, MIT researchers contend.

Feb 23, 2023
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IWER Human Resources

Explore Online Resources on Conflict Management Systems, Workplace Mistreatment, the Organizational Ombuds Profession, and More


MIT Sloan Adjunct Professor Mary P. Rowe, a pioneer in the organizational ombuds profession, has made many of the articles she has written over her career freely available on her personal webpages at MIT Sloan.

Feb 2, 2023
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