IKEA CEO: 3 ways to gain competitive advantage with sustainability
IKEA chief Jesper Brodin says sustainability isn’t just good for the environment — it’s a smart business practice, too.
IKEA chief Jesper Brodin says sustainability isn’t just good for the environment — it’s a smart business practice, too.
To combat the negative effects of climate change, making a transition to green energy is vital. But what will happen to people whose jobs are significantly linked to fossil fuel use? And what policy options are available to mitigate the employment effects of such a transition? That was a question ex...
New research by MIT Sloan Professor Nathan Wilmers and two coauthors finds that having certain kinds of tasks in a job description allows new employees, including frontline workers, to earn more.
Consumers approve of firms that do the work to make an industry seem legitimate. Those that free-ride on that “legitimation work” are seen as less authentic.