Garcia, Marcio and Roberto Rigobon. In Inflation Targeting, Debt, and the Brazilian Experience: 1999 to 2003, 163-188. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005.
Roberto Rigobon. In NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2004, edited by Kenneth Rogoff and Mark Gertler. Cambridge, MA: April 2005.
Lee, Ha Yan, Luca Antonio Ricci and Roberto Rigobon. Journal of Developmental Economics Vol. 75, No. 2 (2004): 451-472.
Rigobon, Roberto and Brian Sack. Journal of Monetary Economics Vol. 51, No. 8 (2004): 1553-1575.
Rigobon, Roberto. by Corden, W. Max. Journal of International Economics, October 2004.
Rigobon, Roberto. Journal of International Economics Vol. 61, No. 2 (2003): 261-283.