Ben Vatter


Ben Vatter

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Benjamin Vatter is the Class of 1943 Career Development Assistant Professor and an Assistant Professor of Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

His research focuses on competition and optimal policy design, with particular emphasis on health care markets.

Vatter completed a PhD in economics at Northwestern University in 2021 and a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University in 2022.


"Competition and Regulation in the Non-profit Sector."

Vatter, Benjamin and Samuel Goldberg, Working Paper. 2023.

"Who Takes Up Incentives to Delay Retirement? Evidence from Chile."

Vatter, Benjamin, Gaston Illanes, and Manisha Padi, Working Paper. 2023.

"Quality Disclosure and Regulation: Scoring Design in Medicare Advantage."

Vatter, Benjamin, Working Paper. September 2022.

"Spooky Action at a Distance:Why Do Cross-Market Mergers Affect Prices?"

Vatter, Benjamin and David Dranove, Working Paper. 2021.

"Winners and Losers Under Counterfactual Health Risk Pooling."

Vatter, Benjamin and Victoria Marone, Working Paper. 2021.

"Vertical Integration between Hospitals and Insurers."

Ignacio Cuesta, José, Carlos Noton, and Benjamin Vatter, Working Paper. May 2019.