Credit cards increase the pleasure in purchasing
Study of brain activity finds using a credit card engages brain networks connected to anticipation and craving.
Drazen Prelec is the Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management and a Professor of Management Science and Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Prelec holds appointments in the Department of Economics and in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. His research deals with the psychology and neuroscience of decision-making, including behavioral economics and neuroeconomics, risky choice, time discounting, self-control, and consumer behavior. He works on both the development of normative decision theory and the exploration of the empirical failures of that theory, using behavioral and fMRI methods. A current project on “self-signaling” tries to understand the strange power of non-causal motivation—when individuals favor actions that are diagnostic of good outcomes, even though these actions have little or no causal force. Diagnostic motivation is real, and is probably essential for human self-control. Its cognitive and neural mechanisms are not well understood, however. A second “Bayesian truth serum” project deals with scoring systems for evaluating individual and collective judgment in knowledge domains where no external truth criterion is available. Examples would be long-range forecasts, political or historical inferences, and artistic or legal interpretations. Prelece is developing scoring systems that reward honest judgments and that can identify truth even when majority opinion is wrong.
He was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows, and has received a number of distinguished research awards, including the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship.
Prelec holds an AB in applied mathematics from Harvard College and a PhD in experimental psychology from Harvard University.
McCoy, John, and Drazen Prelec. Management Science Vol. 70, No. 9 (2024): 5931-5948. Supplemental Materials.
Bleichrodt, Han, Rogier J. D. Potter van Loon, and Drazen Prelec. Management Science Vol. 68, No. 8 (2022): 6326-6335.
Pascual-Ezama, David, Adrián Muñoz, and Dražen Prelec. Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 12, (2021): 693942. Supplemental Material. Download Paper.
Radas, Sonja, and Dražen Prelec. PLoS ONE Vol. 16, No. 8 (2021): e0256010. Download Paper.
Galesic, Mirta, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Jonas Dalege, Scott L. Feld, Frauke Kreuter, Henrik Olsson, Dražen Prelec, Daniel L. Stein, and Tamara van der Does. Nature Vol. 591, No. 7866 (2021): 214-222.
Rahmandad, Hazhir, Jerker Denrell, and Dražen Prelec. Strategic Management Journal Vol. 42, No. 5 (2021): 865-897.
As credit cards have become a popular form of payment method, researchers have noticed an interesting trend. People tend to spend more when using credit cards than cash. Not only are they more likely to buy something at a higher price, they also are likely to give larger tips and make more impulse buys.
Study of brain activity finds using a credit card engages brain networks connected to anticipation and craving.
Rather than "release the brakes" by easing the pain of spending, credit cards actually "step on the gas" by anticipating pleasure.
"The fact that we don't have physical partitioning of activities with different instruments, I think is a real challenge."
Credit card shopping tells us to “step on the gas” and leads to more “purchase cravings” in the future.
In new research, cheating in private was one thing; but, for the “cheating non-liars,” lying about it entailed another, slightly higher threshold