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Action Learning


Aid for an emergency response system


The challenge of market entry

Reporty is an early stage start-up seeking to use smartphones’ advanced technology to revolutionize the way first responders and public safety agencies manage emergencies. Launched in Israel in 2016, Reporty enables civilians to transmit live video and audio reporting and tracks the locations of users to help authorities respond more quickly. The company approached Israel Lab to help develop a strategy for entering the U.S. market with a viable pricing framework.

Formulating an expansion plan

The Israel Lab team began by analyzing Reporty’s competition in the United States and investigating market trends in the 911 space. The team then built a three-phased market penetration strategy: They identified the most attractive U.S. cities for a Reporty rollout; they recommended an expansion strategy for the rest of the U.S. market; and they developed a globalization strategy pinpointing the most favorable countries and regions for additional growth. The team also recommended a dynamic pricing model that can help determine the optimal price point in a variety of U.S. cities and states.

Well-received recommendations

Reporty quickly implemented the Israel Lab team’s recommendations, with good results. The company’s CEO, Amir Elichai, said: “The pricing model is very excellent. Exactly what we wanted.” He also praised the team’s go-to-market recommendations and the overall experience of working with Israel Lab: “We are very grateful for having you here, and we have already recommended further collaborations with MIT to our investors and researchers.”