Ideas Made to Matter Diversity

3 ways to combat gender bias in the workplace


Learn to say no, get comfortable talking about uncomfortable topics, and help others behind you.

Oct 11, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Gender

3 career insights from the MIT Sloan Global Women’s Conference


Include everyone in the conversation, lessons in board leadership, have the courage to say no.

Oct 11, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

A customized approach to high-opportunity housing


A customized search program helped low-income families find and move to good neighborhoods to raise their children.

Sep 3, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Gender

Blinded reviews, but gender bias seeps through


New research finds that even under blind review, women score lower than men when applying for grants. The reason? The words they use.

Jun 5, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Organizational Culture

To fix a toxic work culture, empower bystanders


Allowing toxic behavior free reign in your organization sets unwanted norms. With training, workers on the front line can help break that cycle.

May 20, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter

Root out compensation bias and improve your bottom line


Even for the well-intentioned, gender and racial pay equity is elusive. A fair starting line, real transparency, and long-term commitment are a must.

Apr 17, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Entrepreneurship

ThirdLove finds its voice in disruption


A proprietary fit algorithm helped, but ThirdLove's success is really about making life easier for its customers.

Mar 21, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

6 career hacks from Apple VP Kate Bergeron


This 17-year Apple veteran reflects on good bosses, great teams, and saying ‘yes’ even when you’re not ready.

Mar 14, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Digital Economy

A McKinsey leader’s positive vision of tech’s future


On the “Minds and Machines” podcast, James Manyika sees room for growth in tech adoption, employment equality, and innovation in government.

Jan 3, 2019
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Ideas Made to Matter Career

From group executive coaching, four big lessons in teamwork


Sometimes we need a push outside our comfort zone.

Oct 16, 2018
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