Ideas Made to Matter Technology

Can technology transform politics?

Tech tools can be a “great equalizer” in politics, says MBA student

Oct 1, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter Health Care

MIT and Harvard students band together to improve 911 emergency system

First responders are a push button away with the RapidSOS app

Jul 22, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter

With Lark Chat, app users get portable weight loss coach

Personalized fitness technology began as sleep monitor at MIT.

Jun 30, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter Technology

In automated future, will we have jobs and will they be boring?

While limitations exist, industries of all types are automating tasks across the board, experts say.

May 28, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter Technology

New app designed to reduce food waste

MIT Sloan MBA students found Spoiler Alert to match surplus food inventory with those in need.

May 19, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter Technology

Strategy Rules: A Q&A with Michael Cusumano

The management professor on Gates, Grove, Jobs, and why Apple Watch should be open to Android phones.

Apr 14, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter

From microbes to methane

MBA student plans for cleaner landfills

Feb 25, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter

Fourteen MIT Sloan faculty members to follow on Twitter

New Twitter list collects insight and ideas from more than 40 professors, lecturers, and research scientists

Feb 19, 2015
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Ideas Made to Matter

First step to connected health? A smart thermometer.

With burgeoning company, alumnus wants real-time health information in the hands of consumers

Jan 16, 2015
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