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Fourteen MIT Sloan faculty members to follow on Twitter

Looking for real-time management knowledge from MIT Sloan faculty? Here are 14 of the school’s top tweeters—from long-time faculty to research scientists to visiting lecturers.

For the full list of more than 40 faculty members, follow the MIT Sloan Faculty Twitter list.

Sinan Aral, Associate Professor of Information Technology and Marketing

Twitter bio: Professor @MIT Chief Scientist @Humin

Tweets by Sinan Aral

Bill Aulet, Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: Managing Director of Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship @EshipMIT. Author, Disciplined Entrepreneurship, @24StepsofEship

Tweets by Bill Aulet

Erik Brynjolfsson, Professor of Information Technology

Twitter bio: Economics of information and information technology, digitization, strategy, business intelligence, Co-author of The Second Machine Age. #2MA

Tweets by Erik Brynjolfsson

Christina Chase

Twitter bio: Entrepreneur. Currently, MIT EIR & Lecturer helping Founders at @EshipMIT. Closet physics groupie.

Tweets by Christina Chase

Zen Chu, Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: Sharing healthcare adventures & HackingMedicine from Boston + Silicon Valley.

Tweets by Zen Chu

Paul English, Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: BLADE CEO & Cofounder

Tweets by Paul English

Brian Halligan, Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: CEO @HubSpot, Author of Inbound Marketing Book, MIT Sr. Lecturer. #QuietPeriod

Tweets by Brian Halligan

Hal Gregersen, Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: Catalytic Questioner | Exec Director MIT Leadership Center | Founder @The424Project | Author Innovator’s DNA | Change Our Questions—Change Our Children’s World

Tweets by Hal Gregersen

Simon Johnson, Professor of Global Economics and Management

Twitter bio: Co-author of White House Burning and 13 Bankers.

Tweets by Simon Johnson

Andrew McAfee, Principal Research Scientist

Twitter bio: Curious about the impact of technology. Co-author of The Second Machine Age@2MABook#2MA

Tweets by Andrew McAfee

Robert Pozen, Visiting Senior Lecturer

Twitter bio: HBS Lecturer. Brookings Fellow. Author of Extreme Productivity: Boost Your Results, Reduce Your Hours.

Tweets by Robert Pozen

Otto Scharmer, Senior Lecturer, Organization Studies

Twitter bio: MIT based action researcher, founding chair, Presencing Institute. Author of Theory U: Leading from the Future As it Emerges.

Tweets by Otto Scharmer

Zeynep Ton, Adjunct Associate Professor of Operations Management

Twitter bio: Operations prof researching how companies can make money AND provide good jobs, mother of four kids.

Tweets by Zeynep Ton

George Westerman, Research Scientist

Twitter bio: MIT Sloan management researcher, author, runner, and dad. Focused on helping executives drive value from digital technology.

Tweets by George Westerman

For more info Zach Church Editorial & Digital Media Director (617) 324-0804