Simple Allocation Rules and Optimal Portfolio Choice Over the Lifecycle
From Victor Duarte, Julia Fonseca, Aaron S. Goodman and Jonathan A. Parker
We develop a machine-learning solution algorithm to solve for optimal portfolio choice in a lifecycle model that includes many features of reality modelled only separately in previous work. We use the quantitative model to evaluate the consumption-equivalent welfare losses from using simple rules for portfolio allocation across stocks, bonds, and liquid accounts instead of the optimal portfolio choices, both for optimizing households and for households that undersave. We find that the consumption-equivalent losses from using an age-dependent rule as embedded in current target-date/lifecycle funds (TDFs) are substantial, around 2 to 3 percent of consumption, despite the fact that TDF rules mimic average optimal behavior by age closely until shortly before retirement. Optimal equity shares have substantial heterogeneity, particularly by wealth level, state of the business cycle, and dividend-price ratio, implying substantial gains to further customization of advice or TDFs in these dimensions.

Featured Publication
Duarte, Victor, Julia Fonseca, Aaron Goodman, and Jonathan A. Parker, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6460-21. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2022.
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Current FinTech projects from the Consumer Finance Initiative cover topics including Target Date Funds, banking interest rates and lending practices, and investment portfolio choices. Find more FinTech research here.