Aithan Shapira


Aithan Shapira

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Aithan Shapira (MFA PhD) is an established artist, internationally acclaimed Lecturer at MIT Sloan, and founder of TILT, a firm focused on evolving leaders and cultures for ever-changing contexts. His transformational executive training methods draw on 20+ years of experience helping unlock people’s creative capacities in order to innovate at the speed of change. 

He has committed the last decade to developing and deploying progressive curricula for training capabilities to serve global leaders, high-performing change agents, organizations and government entities forwarding the UN SGDs that are sincere about transforming concepts and processes into living practices and cultures that facilitate ongoing growth, agility, and coordinating efforts of individuals and communities. 

Aithan serves on McKinsey's think tank for Learning Innovation and has evolved his curricula intersecting transformation, skills development, culture and creativity for the future of work at MIT Sloan, Harvard iLab, Stanford, and the Berklee Institute for Creative Entrepreneurship. He has trained more than 12,000 leaders, 200 facilitators, given over 100 keynotes, and delivered customized leadership curricula for more than 30 Fortune 500 organizations in health, technology, finance, and energy.

Aithan developed his research on the creative process at the Royal College of Art & Design, lived in an Australian Aboriginal community for three years to study creativity in cultures of survival, and continues to be a visiting critic at arts institutions internationally. He exhibits his artwork in museums and galleries in New York, London, and Miami.

Recent Insights

Ideas Made to Matter

Leadership cues to take from performers and artists

The art of leadership requires putting theories into practice. Painters, musicians, and acrobats can be some of the best teachers.

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Executive Education

Executive Education Course

Unlocking the Power of Perspectives

The ability to work with multiple and diverse perspectives is a valuable skill set that enables creative problem solving, fosters greater interpersonal connection, increases clarity and collaboration, and motivates groups. This highly interactive problem solving course focuses on advanced leadership skills for holding and managing multiple perspectives simultaneously to leverage and unleash the creative potential of divergence in and across business to generate richer outcomes.

  • Nov 2-3, 2023
  • May 16-17, 2024
  • May 15-16, 2025
  • Oct 16-17, 2025
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