Michael D. Siegel


Michael D. Siegel

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Michael Siegel is a Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Sloan School of Management, He is also the Director of Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan (CAMS). 

Siegel’s research focuses on the management, strategy, technology, and organizational issues related to cybersecurity with specific interest in vulnerability markets, cyber risk management, dark web business models, IoT endpoint security, vulnerability management, cybersecurity workforce development, and educating management in cybersecurity. He also has done research in the intelligent integration of information systems, risk management, insurgency and state stability, data analytics, healthcare systems, and systems modeling. Siegel has published articles on such topics as simulation modeling for cyber resilience, cyber vulnerability markets, A.I. and cybersecurity, data management strategy, architecture for practical metadata integration, heterogeneous database systems, and managing and valuing a corporate IT portfolio using dynamic modeling of software development and maintenance processes. His research at MIT has continued for over 35 years and includes a wide range of publications, patents and teaching accomplishments.   




"Human-Centered Interface Design for a Dynamic Cyber-Risk Group-Based Training Game."

Tony Delvecchio, Tony, Sander Zeijlemaker, Giancarlo De Bernardis, and Michael Siegel, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7131-24. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2024.

"Revolutionizing Board Cyber-risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming."

Tony Delvecchio, Sander Zeijlemaker, Giancarlo De Bernardis, and Michael Siegel. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, Rome, Italy: February 2024.

"Six Governance Principles for Cyber Resilience:  What the Board Needs to Know About Cyber Risk."

Sander Zeijlemaker and Michael Siegel. In One Conference 2023, The Hague, The Netherlands: October 2023.

"Catastrophe Bond Trading Can Boost Security Improving Cyber (Re-)Insurance Markets."

Ranjan Pal, Stuart Madnick, and Michael Siegel. In Proceedings of Americas Conference on Information Systems, Panama: August 2023.

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Executive Education

Executive Education Course

Cybersecurity Leadership for Non-Technical Executives

Cyber risk and cybersecurity are a source of frustration for executives and government officials who spend inordinate time and worry trying to protect their data from sophisticated phishing schemes, ransomware, and state-sponsored hacking. However, cybersecurity issues are not purely a technology problem—they are multi-headed hydras that need to be addressed with a multi-disciplinary approach. This cybersecurity course is not intended to provide guidance on IT infrastructure or troubleshooting, rather it focuses on the humanistic and managerial aspects of cybersecurity. As a participant in this cyber security training for executives course, you will be provided with a framework of managerial protocols to follow, resulting in a personalized playbook with actionable next steps towards creating a more cyber-aware culture within your organization.

  • Sep 18-20, 2023
  • Apr 3-5, 2024
  • Nov 6-7, 2024
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Executive Education Course

Cybersecurity for Managers

Minimizing cybercrime damage and disruption is not just the responsibility of the IT department; it’s every employee's job. There are managerial, strategic, and financial considerations in becoming cybersecure. This new online program helps you create a playbook with actionable next steps towards creating a more cyber-aware culture.

  • Oct 19-Dec 7, 2023
  • Jun 27-Aug 15, 2024
  • Feb 7-Mar 27, 2024
  • Sep 5-Oct 24, 2024
  • Apr 18-Jun 6, 2024
  • Nov 14, 2024-Jan 2, 2025
  • Mar 20-May 8, 2025
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