Credit: Mimi Phan
- Despite the popular assumption that the most successful entrepreneurs are 20-something whiz kids helming their Silicon Valley startups, data from the U.S. Census Bureau and IRS show the average age of entrepreneurs who’ve started companies and gone on to hire at least one employee is 42 years old.
- MIT Sloan senior lecturer Robert Pozen on the seven ways to achieve “extreme productivity” in your day. Here’s a hint: Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- MIT Sloan experts share four things you need to know about soft skills.
- In a newly uncovered 1992 MIT lecture, the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs discussed his philosophies on hiring and managing.
- Ready to take corporate culture cues from Costco? The retail giant’s obsession with culture drives success, and it has the stats to prove it.
- To influence someone on social media first you need them to follow you. Associate professor Tauhid Zaman uncovers the behavioral and network features that make that happen.
- Focusing only on your employees’ weaknesses can drag your organization down. The former chairman of Microsoft Europe explains how a shift to “positive leadership” leads to measurably better results.
- In trying to execute on strategy, companies too often get distracted by vague buzzwords — think “digitize,” “monetize,” and “leverage.” MIT Sloan senior lecturer Donald Sull lays out a better roadmap for turning vision into action.
- The idea of a universal basic income was a hot topic in some U.S. circles this year, but the theory has never been thoroughly tested. A massive new study promises to change that.
- By now, we’re all familiar with bitcoin, but a pair of MIT professors argues that blockchain’s applications reach further than we think. Here’s a primer on blockchain’s potential as a “truth machine” for business.