15-2 Business Analytics Course: Roadmap
This roadmap should be viewed as one plan for structuring your schedule. There is a lot of flexibility when you take Course 15 classes. Even if you think it is too late to declare Course 15, email: ugeducation@sloan.mit.edu or come see us in E52-150 (Suite 133).
Subjects that fulfill both Course 15-2 and GIR requirements are bold.
Beginning First Year Fall
Beginning First Year Spring
Beginning Sophomore Year Fall
Beginning Sophomore Year Spring
Beginning Junior Year Fall
115-2 majors taking15.0711 to fulfill the 15-2 Machine Learning requirement can take either 6.100B(6.0002) or 6.1010(6.009) to complete their 15-2 Programming requirement. 15-2 majors taking 6.3900(6.036) to fulfill the15-2 Machine Learning requirement are encouraged to take 6.1010(6.009) to complete their 15-2 Programming requirement.
2Contact the MIT Sloan Undergrad Office for alternative options for the Probability & Statistics requirement. Please note, the course or courses MUST cover both Probability and Statistics in depth similar to 15.069. Course 15/6 and 15/14 double majors can petition Course 6/Course 14 to count15.069 as a substitute for14.30 or 18.05.
315-2 majors taking 6.3900(6.036) to fulfill the 15-2 Machine Learning requirement are required to take the prerequisite 18.06 or 18.C06. 18.06 or 18.C06 can count as a 15-2 Restricted Elective.
415.0711 and 6.3900(6.036) cannot double count toward the 15-2 Machine Learning requirement and as a 15-2 Restricted Elective.
548-63 additional units will be needed to accrue the 180 units beyond GIRs.
6See ‘Choosing Between Alternate Versions of Subjects’ below for advice on course selection.
Choosing Between Alternate Versions of Subjects
Computer Programming: With the updated prerequisites for 6.3900(6.036), we recommend for those planning on taking 6.3900(6.036) that they take 6.100A(6.0001) or 6.100L(6.000L) and 6.1010(6.009) to fulfill the computer programming requirement.6.100B(6.0002) is an excellent alternative to 6.1010 for those looking for more application. 6.100L is an excellent alternative for 6.100A for those with no previous coding experience.
Machine Learning: For those looking for a more applied course using the tools of Machine Learning (and other data science tools), 15.0711 is an excellent option. For those interested in more software engineering or coding heavy internships/jobs, 6.3900(6.036) may be the better option.
Probability & Statistics: We anticipate that the majority of Course 15 students will take 15.069, as it involves how to apply probability and statistics in different business areas/situations. 14.30 is an alternative for Course 14/15 and 6-14/15 double majors. 18.05 is an alternative for Course 6 and18 majors.Contact the Sloan Undergrad Office for alternative options for the Probability &Statistics requirement. Please note, the course or courses MUST cover both Probability and Statistics in depth similar to 15.069.
15-2 Restricted Electives: Restricted Electives cover a wide range encompassing data analysis, modeling, decision making, and communicating. Some restricted electives can also be double counted towards other majors/minors or HASS requirement. With the updated prerequisites for 6.3900(6.036) it is recommended that 15-2 major staking 6.3900(6.036)take 18.06 or 18.C06 as one of their 15-2 Restricted Elective. The Undergraduate Office and your advisor are good resources for planning your restricted electives depending on your professional and skill acquisition goals. See the list of 15-2 Restricted Elective the MIT Sloan Undergrad website
Course 15 subjects with a '1' in the fourth decimal place (ex.15.034/15.0341): The subject number with an extra '1' is the undergraduate number of the graduate subject. They meet together, in that they share the same lecture and deliverables, but the faculty have a different expectation and evaluation criteria for the undergraduates as compared to the graduate students (due mainly to the difference in professional experience that students have to draw upon). The undergraduate course number was added as a way to hold seats specifically for undergraduates. As with all undergraduate Course 15 subjects, there is no bidding necessary.
Contact the Undergraduate Team

Scott Alessandro
Senior Director, Undergraduate Programs
I am the Director of Undergraduate Education, which means I help students get the best education possible at MIT Sloan and help to make sure the curriculum gives them that opportunity.We have two guiding principles in our office:1. We want every MIT…
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Rianna Allen-Charles
Hear name pronounced.Associate Director, Sloan Undergraduate Programs
I am an academic administrator with fifteen years of experience in the higher education, corporate, and retail sectors.As an Associate Director at Sloan, I advise MIT Undergraduate Course 15 students. I am a highly-skilled academic administrator;…
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