Action Learning Sustainability

Sparking change: Students help startup expand EV solutions in cities


Atlanta, Georgia-based EnviroSpark Energy Solutions designs, installs, and operates EV charging solutions, typically at multi-family housing and corporate office centers. As the growing startup continued expanding its national footprint, they enlisted MIT Sloan Enterprise Management Lab (EM-Lab) stu...

Jul 17, 2024
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

Making generative AI work in the enterprise: New from MIT SMR


Leaders must rethink the way they manage people and projects to ensure that everyone reaps the efficiency and innovation benefits of generative AI.

Jul 16, 2024
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Alumni Leadership

Interim Dean Georgia Perakis Provides Updates from Leadership


Interim Dean Georgia Perakis provided alumni at MIT Sloan Reunion 2024 with updates on the state of the school and told everyone how proud she was of them.

Jul 11, 2024
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

The impact of misleading headlines on Facebook


New research found an overlooked source that slowed vaccination rates in the U.S.: misleading headlines from mainstream news sources.

Jul 9, 2024
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