Our Impact
More knowledge, urgency, efficacy, and action.
Lead researchers at the UMass Lowell Climate Change Initiative, Climate Interactive, the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative, and Reutlingen University have found that our interactive simulations lead to increased knowledge of climate change science, an enhanced sense of urgency about the issue, a desire to learn and do more about it, and direct action attributed to experience.
Our impact research
Our impact stories
MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Possible Futures: How En-ROADS Can Help Investors Quantify Climate Risks and Opportunities
MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Hitting Home: The Mayor Who Thinks Globally and Acts Locally Using En-ROADS
MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Professor Who Shows En-ROADS to Everyone
Our news + media
Our research insights
Journal of Operations Management | March 1, 2022 Accelerating vehicle fleet turnover to achieve sustainability goals
Land | May 11, 2022 Strategic Reserves to Protect Forest Carbon & Reduce Biodiversity Loss
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists | May 9, 2022 Does wood bioenergy help or harm the climate?