Ideas Made to Matter Digital Economy

Digital transformation after the pandemic


Having built new norms during COVID-19, firms should now focus on operations, employee experience, customer experience, and organizational culture.

Jul 27, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

4 researchers join MIT Sloan faculty


Research topics include analyzing firm behavior, data-driven sequential decision-making, inequality and worker power, and renewable energy integration.

Jul 7, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Organizational Culture

How training for new tech threatens worker hierarchies


New technologies are upsetting status structures in the workplace. How can managers introduce them without driving a wedge between coworkers?

Jun 1, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

The hidden work created by artificial intelligence programs


Successful and ethical artificial intelligence programs take into account behind-the-scenes ‘repair work’ and ‘ghost workers.’

May 4, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Labor

Cash-on-hand can raise worker productivity


A new working paper details an average 6.2% boost in productivity when workers were paid earlier in a project.

Mar 2, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Manufacturing

How the future will shift at large manufacturing firms


A new research brief from MIT examines what digital innovation means for workers, training, and strategy at U.S. firms.

Feb 22, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Design

2020, illustrated


Six illustrations we loved this year.

Dec 7, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Labor

The case for an 'automation tax'


Some automation displaces workers and lowers wages. A new report argues that taxing the right technologies could help remedy this.

Oct 28, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Labor

How the gig economy can reduce unemployment and debt


In areas where Uber operates, car owners saw fewer unemployment claims and credit delinquencies from 2012 to 2016.

Sep 29, 2020
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Ideas Made to Matter Labor

Glimpsing the future of work in warehouses


MIT Sloan doctoral candidate Alex Kowalski is researching practical ways to improve warehouse jobs.

Aug 26, 2020
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