Climate Policy Center

Welcome to the MIT Climate Policy Center 

The MIT Climate Policy Center serves as MIT's "front door" for local, state, federal, and international  climate policymakers. Our mission is to serve as a trusted, non-partisan resource for policymakers who seek to advance evidence-based climate policy in the next decade. 

Our Center's strategy has three key components:

  • Heightening awareness of MIT’s climate expertise, tools, and scenario analysis capabilities within the global policy community;
  • Convening leaders to exchange knowledge and ideas around climate policy, as well as offering information and making policy recommendations;
  • Analyzing the climate impact of policy proposals and translating the implications of academic research into formats helpful to policymakers.

    Learn more about the MIT Climate Policy Center.


Christopher Knittel | Faculty Director, MIT Climate Policy Center, quoted in The New York Times:
"If we want to combat climate change, we need to make it in the firms’ and consumers’ self-interest to produce and buy the low-carbon alternatives. "
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MIT Climate Policy News

About the Climate Policy Center

MIT Climate Pathways Project

MIT Climate Pathways Project

Advancing evidence-based climate change solutions through interactive simulations and research insights.

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