Work and Organization Studies

PhD Students

WOS PhD students are investigating new and sometimes controversial theories and ideas. And they are initiating an important dialogue around the changing nature of work and what those changes mean for people and organizations. Below is a list of current PhD students in the Work and Organizational Studies group.

IWER PhD Students

Alexander Busch 2

Alexander Busch

B.A. Sociology; B.Sc. Economics

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Current PhD Student, Soohyun Roh

Soohyun Roh

B.A. Economics and Sociology; M.A. Sociology

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Headshot of MIT IWER PhD candidate K. MacKenzie Scott

K. MacKenzie Scott

B.A. Economics and French; M.P.A.

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Headshot of current PhD student, Di Tong

Di Tong

B.A. English Language and Literature; M.A. Computational Social Science

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Organization Studies PhD Students

Profile Photo of Current PhD Student, Laura Wang

Laura Changlan Wang

B.A. Psychology and Statistics

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Lu Zhang

Lu Zhang

B.S. Applied Mathematics; M.A. Computational Social Science

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Recent Former PhD Students



Alexander Kowalski, PhD 2022 - Cornell University, The ILR School

Arrow Minster, PhD 2024  - San Francisco State University

Duanyi Yang, PhD 2020 - Cornell University, The ILR School

Organization Studies

Vanessa Conzon, PhD 2020 - Boston College’s Carroll School of Management

Raquel Kessinger, PhD 2024 - Boston College’s Carroll School of Management 

Jenna Myers, PhD 2020 - University of Toronto Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources

Heather Yang, PhD 2020 - Bocconi University 

Economic Sociology

Brittany Bond, PhD 2020 - Cornell University, The ILR School

Carolyn Fu, PhD 2022 - Harvard Business School

Summer Jackson, PhD 2020 - Harvard Business School

Ethan Poskanzer, PhD 2022 - University of Colorado

James Riley, PhD 2020 - Harvard Business School

Hagay Volvovsky, PhD 2023 - Tel Aviv University

J. Michael Whalen, PhD 2020