Georgia Perakis has recently won four awards for three different papers:
First, Perakis won the 2019 Best Operations Management Paper in Management Science Award from the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society of INFORMS, which is the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. This award honors Perakis’ outstanding contribution to the theory and practice of operations management among the prior three years of articles published in Management Science.
Perakis' winning paper, co-authored with her former PhD students from the MIT Operations Research Center, Maxime Cohen (formerly NYU Stern; now McGill University) and Ruben Lobel (formerly Wharton; now Airbnb), is entitled, “The Impact of Demand Uncertainty on Consumer Subsidies for Green Technology Adoption” (Management Science (2016) 62(5):1235-1258).This paper also received Honorable Mention for the 2019 ENRE (Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment Section of INFORMS) Best Publication Award in Environment and Sustainability, recognizing Perakis’ contributions to the field of environment and sustainability in Operations Research & Management Science.
In addition, Perakis won Second Place for the 2019 INFORMS Service Science Best Paper Award, for “Learning Personalized Product Recommendations with Customer Disengagement” (currently under second round of review at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management), co-authored with Divya Singhvi (ORC PhD student of Perakis), Pavithra Harsha (ORC graduate; IBM Research), and Hamsa Bastani (Wharton).Perakis additionally won Honorable Mention (second place) in the 3rd MSOM Practice-Based Research Competition during the MSOM Conference last July, recognizing the high quality and significant practical relevance of her paper entitled, “Detecting Customer Trends for Optimal Promotion Targeting” (forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management), co-authored with Lennart Baardman (ORC graduate; Michigan Ross), Tamar Cohen-Hillel (ORC PhD student of Perakis), and Setareh Borjian and Kiran Panchamgam (both at Oracle).