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Ideas Made to Matter


14 quotes for women’s leadership and growth in 2024


Whether you’re looking to grow personally or professionally or want to support the development of the people you manage, this advice from women leaders featured in MIT Sloan’s My Idea Made to Matter and Bias Cut series can help you get started.

Achenyo Idachaba-Obaro | Founder, MitiMeth, MIT Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship 2022-23 Foundry Fellow
Seek opportunities that are right for you, and knock persistently until those doors open.”
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Aditi Javeri Gokhale | Chief Strategy Officer, Northwestern Mutual, MBA ’00
Women often talk themselves out of opportunities when they should be doing the opposite.”
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Marla Shapiro | Founder, HERmesa, MBA ’97
Just because you are young or early in your career doesn’t mean that you can’t add value. Speak up! Be confident, curious, and persistent.”
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Ami Danoff | Co-owner, National Women’s Soccer League Boston, SM ’93
Chart your map with multiple routes, and build in the time and resources to meander, stretch, and explore. Let your curiosity lead you; chance encounters and experiences enrich our professional and personal lives.”
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Dawn Zier | Board Chair, Hain Celestial Group, SM ’90
Others don’t control your career — you do.”
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Coleen Glessner | Executive Vice President of Risk, Ethics, and Compliance, Emergent BioSolutions, MBA ’15
One piece of advice I would offer to my younger self would be to resist being a people pleaser. With experience, I now recognize that validation needs to come from within, and the ability to honor and acknowledge your own strengths, contributions, and achievements is more important and gratifying than the external validation from others.”
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Amanda von Goetz | Founder, Fermata Discovery, MBA ’14
The energy I could be spending trying to push back against everyone’s projections is energy that I would rather spend improving, growing, and learning.”
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Dr. Isma Benattia | Vice President of R&D Strategy and Operations, Amgen, EMBA ’18
Do not expect a direct correlation between your positive impact and immediate career progression.”
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Monica Kothari | Senior Manager of Compensation Consulting, Capital One, MBA ’19
Women need to embrace self-promotion and self-advocacy. ... It’s crucial for women to recognize the value they bring to the table and to be vocal about their accomplishments.”
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Cindy McLaughlin | Head of Product, CarbonBuilt, MBA ’02
Lean in to vulnerability and authenticity. Build relationships. Be yourself. Be a great human and helpful colleague.”
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Theodora Lai | Director of Business Development, Tembusu Partners, Global MBA ’16
Great leaders are people who don’t seek power but take responsibility because they have the capability and empathy to help others.”
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Robin Chase | Chairperson, Tucows, SM ’86
When you are trying to motivate people — within a company or out in the world — expressing clear and simple ideas that make sense and create progress toward your goal is critical.”
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Patricia Hargil | Vice President of Transformation, Messer Americas, SM ’98
Showing that we care about the business and that we care about the people making a business great: These two things need to come together.”
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Amy H. Kimball | Executive and Leadership Coach, Amy Kimball Coaching LLC, EMBA ’19
I wish more people would lead with their heart. ... If everyone could start by assessing their experiences using questions like ‘What’s this bringing up in me?’ and ‘How would the person I want to be communicate about it?’ we’d be off to a great start.”
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For more info Meredith Somers News Writer (617) 715-4216