Ideas and insights about strategy from MIT Sloan.
A strategic playbook for entrepreneurs: 4 paths to success
This Entrepreneurial Strategy Compass from MIT Sloan helps startups avoid conflicting advice and choose the right path to commercialization.
To withstand credit market shocks, diversify your company’s bonds
Having access to a wider variety of institutional investors allows companies to better maintain access to capital, research shows.
5 actions to elevate customer experience in physical retail
Physical retailers should combine data-driven insights with human touch to create a seamless hybrid shopping experience, these B2B experts say.
Consumers prefer early entrants in new markets, but 2nd movers can still win
Consumers approve of firms that do the work to make an industry seem legitimate. Those that free-ride on that “legitimation work” are seen as less authentic.
New research examines ways the generative AI marketplace might evolve
The race for dominance in the AI marketplace hinges on who controls its complementary assets, researchers assert.
Making generative AI work in the enterprise: New from MIT SMR
Leaders must rethink the way they manage people and projects to ensure that everyone reaps the efficiency and innovation benefits of generative AI.
How AI helps acquired businesses grow
To tap the power of artificial intelligence to grow a small company, make conservative tech bets and consider what work is ripe for augmentation.
New AI insights from MIT Sloan Management Review
MIT experts explain how generative AI — and AI generally — could transform enterprises this year, as well as how to set realistic environmental goals.
3 approaches to ecosystem governance
By assessing and applying the right type of governance, ecosystem participants can address shared challenges and grow ecosystem value.
How to add generative AI to your technology strategy
At food service company Sysco, generative artificial intelligence is another tool that optimizes sales, processes, and supply chains.