Year In Review

From MIT delta v to Demo Day and Beyond

At the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, the MIT delta v 2023 cohort spent three months in the educational accelerator, debuted at Demo Day, and then took their first steps out into the world.

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Year In Review

Sparking Financial Policy Conversations

In 2023, the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy performed thoughtful research and hosted discussions about pressing financial policy issues.

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Year In Review

Sustainability in Action: Education, Research, and Community

The MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative works to advance sustainable business practices and climate policy via education, research, and community action.

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Year In Review

An Equitable Approach to Environmental Policy Research

The MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research promotes rigorous, objective research for improved environmental decision-making in the public and private sectors.

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Centers & Initiatives

MIT Sloan is home to the leading thinkers and researchers who are pursuing solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.