Research Areas
The Latest From Our Team
4 ways that AI and tech are reshaping finance
Generative AI and financial data are opening up the digital economy to more consumers and small businesses, but crypto concerns remain.
Wealthier workers benefit most from retirement savings ‘nudges’
When employers hold back wages for retirement savings, younger consumers and less-wealthy people cut their spending. Wealthier individuals tap their deposit accounts.
Black bankruptcy filers more likely to be denied debt relief
Bankruptcy is designed to give distressed Americans a fresh financial start, but new research shows that Black filers are more likely to have their cases dismissed than whites filers.
Banks’ climate pledges don’t add up to change, research finds
Voluntary climate commitments by financial institutions aren’t having a positive impact, research finds. But banks do have time to reverse course and make progress.
Our Mission
Our research aims to build an understanding of the benefits and risks as technologies change consumer financial markets. How are people, markets, and financial institutions leveraging new technologies to deal with the classic challenges of consumer financial services? And how do these challenges affect the allocation of risks across the economy and the regulatory landscape?
Our current areas of focus include Financial Decision Making, FinTech, Cryptocurrency, Savings and Lending Markets, and Retirement. Our Sloan Finance faculty researchers, in collaboration with an interdisciplinary set of researchers across Sloan and MIT, are working with extensive new data sets and new models to analyze household financial decisions and their implications for the economy and financial markets.