Ideas Made to Matter Robots

How smaller firms can integrate collaborative robots


Integrating robots into a manufacturing system is often prohibitively expensive. A new approach could change that.

Aug 24, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Public Policy

To 'build back better,' invest in R&D, researchers say


Roads and bridges are a start, but 21st century job creation needs federal research and development in U.S. cities with potential, these authors say.

Aug 11, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

4 researchers join MIT Sloan faculty


Research topics include analyzing firm behavior, data-driven sequential decision-making, inequality and worker power, and renewable energy integration.

Jul 7, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Behavioral Science

The cultural psychology behind mask-wearing


New research from MIT Sloan assistant professor Jackson Lu shows a link between collectivistic cultures and higher rates of mask usage.

May 20, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Research

2 MIT Sloan professors named to top 40-under-40 list


Professors David Rand and Basima Tewfik research workplace topics such as imposter syndrome, and societal issues such as fighting online information.

May 13, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

The hidden work created by artificial intelligence programs


Successful and ethical artificial intelligence programs take into account behind-the-scenes ‘repair work’ and ‘ghost workers.’

May 4, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Leadership

What’s keeping East Asians from leadership in US firms?


American focus on assertiveness may hold East Asians back from corporate leadership.

May 3, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Diversity

From professional sports, 3 diversity insights


A workshop taught by two MIT Sloan experts explores race and gender in sports, drawing insights for diversity efforts in business management.

Apr 29, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Innovation

3 ways digital initiatives create value


Firms that embrace digital innovation can see value from operations, customers, and becoming a go-to destination in an ecosystem. Kaiser Permanente is one standout.

Apr 15, 2021
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Ideas Made to Matter Digital Economy

Report details COVID-19’s impact on the digital economy


MIT research about the pandemic looks at economic fallout, the impact of government interventions, digital technology, and fighting misinformation.

Apr 1, 2021
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